Nuno Felting Vest Workshop, Carneros Studios - June 2021.m4v from Beth Marx on Vimeo.
The nuno felted vest workshop at Lisa & Marvin Paul's Carneros Studios in the Napa Valley was beyond belief. It was everyone's first real outing since the Covid pandemic in March 2020 and what a first rate experience for our return to civilization. And civilized was what it was with felting being just the tip of the iceberg. Lisa made this event first class; the only down side is that it's sure going to be hard to top it in the future.
Lisa and Marvin welcomed the group to their recently completed gorgeous barn with a wine & appetizer reception the evening before the start of the felting workshop - blown away is more the expression when seeing the interior of this 5,500 square foot barn. I literally could be happy living in the bathroom! We were introduced to Sur, a delightful top notch sommelier, who formerly worked at the French Laundry, a three star Michelin award winning restaurant. Sur guided us as we tasted numerous Napa Valley wines. He even took the time to provide similarities between grape production and wine making with wool and felting. Some of the same words can be used to describe both wine and felt like texture, balance, harmony, meritage, ph, art, complexity, layering, blending, richness, palette, microclimate, strong and soft.
The weekend continued with home cooked meals, flowing wine, live music and happy felters. We shared, we laughed and came away with full hearts. Real friendships were developed which is something that is not quite possible from the Zoom felting workshops many of us attended during the pandemic.
Everyone made a beautiful and unique vest which fitted them perfectly. On the afternoon of the last day, everyone got cleaned up, put on some makeup or at least lipstick and just beamed while modeling their beautiful nuno felted vest creation. I was one proud teacher!
Take a look at the short slideshow above and the photos and three short video clips below to get a glimpse of this amazing experience. My heart is full with love and gratitude and I can't seem to wipe the smile from my face!
Martha Lumia - Palm Desert, CA |
Lorri Teates - San Diego, CA |
Patti Bodgan - Boise, Idaho |
Eva D'Avella - Bellflower, CA |
Deedy Atkins - Austin, Texas
Lisa Paul - Napa, CA
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